Friday, November 21, 2014

what to eat

Since you get up until lunchtime, and from lunch when out can spend many hours you should not go without taking anything. And much less satisfy hunger with coffee, chewing gum or snuff. Instead of punishing your stomach, your skin and your nerves, choose one of these options, you can have them in your drawer, in the work fridge, etc..
Mary type 3 cookies, 2 comprehensive or puffed rice 1. Muesli cereal bars or banana type. Ideal for taking in the afternoon if you then go to the gym.
Cookies or snacks for weight control. They are very rich, take away hunger and have very few calories (about 60 kcal per cookie).
Yoghurts and custard which do not need cold skimmed yoghurt drinks, bio, soybean Actimel etc. A low-calorie snack that also cares for your intestinal flora and gives you calcium.
Dried fruit. Banana, strawberry, apple, figs, raisins, prunes, papaya, pineapple … As those with cereals. Ideal for sweet snacks or add to yogurt. Prepare packets of about 25 g to spend no calories.
Nuts. Almonds, hazelnuts and walnuts are an excellent choice to satisfy hunger and give back power at any time. In addition, their healthy fatty acids protect your heart. Do not take more than 8-10.
Fresh fruit. If you have a refrigerator at work, is the ideal choice to take vitamins and natural antioxidants.
To drink: not missing at your table a bottle of water and a thermos of tea sweetened with saccharin.
In your own home you have everything on hand to prepare healthy snacks, fresh and low in calories. But it’s also easy to fall into the temptation to go every time to the fridge. To avoid this, do not buy things that make you fat or that you can not resist. Fill your pantry fruits, vegetables, yogurt and fresh seasonal food. The star of your snacks at home is … Your blender! Take the opportunity to make beauty treatments based on natural cocktail of fruits and vegetables. In addition, natural juices detoxify and take away your appetite between meals. Some ideas:

Detoxifying juices and low in calories. Orange and apple, carrot, beet, celery (one of the most cleansing vegetables), orange, grapefruit and carrot, tomato, celery and parsley, wild fruit, carrot and tomato. Endúlzalos with saccharin or aspartame.
Energy. If you make a physical effort, add to fruit milk, yogurt or some ice cream (only if you’re on a diet).
Against cellulite. Pineapple juice with papaya (chopped pineapple and papaya). It’s a great digestive and diuretic that prevents the appearance of cellulite.
Natural laxative. Shake prunes and raisins (mixed with milk or yogurt). Its rich in fiber makes it 100% natural laxative.
A yogurt. Contributes only about 35 calories and change protects your intestinal flora, increase your defenses and is a great source of calcium for your bones. You can add fresh fruit chunks.
Fresh fruit. For example, a kiwi with a mint tea is great for smokers, because the kiwi is a diuretic and will provide vitamin C, and peppermint calms stomach problems and freshens breath.
Sushi. These morsels of rice, fresh fish and delicious snack algae are very low in calories. You can buy ready-made small trays.
Pulguitas. If yours is the salty snacks, prepare a flea (keep in the freezer a bag of small rolls) and fill it with natural tuna with a few drops of olive oil, sliced ??meats low fat, low calorie cheese or ham with tomato naturally.
If you prefer sweet: two or three cookies, cheese with honey or jam, a slice of homemade cake, a few ounces of black chocolate a low-fat chocolate milk, etc.. Forbidden bakery products and savory snacks.


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