Saturday, November 29, 2014

How Often Should I Post To My Blog

Starting a blog can be confusing. What do you do first? How often do you write? Between designing your blog, getting the latest plugins to work and coming up with content, blogging may seem overwhelming! Fortunately, how many times you need to post to your blog per day or per week is actually quite simple. Here’s a few guidelines on how often you should post to your blog.
Ask Yourself Some Important Questions
How often you post to your blog depends a lot on what type of blog you actually have. For example, if you have a gossip blog, you may need to post daily, several times a day and any time there is breaking news or gossip that you need to cover. So for this type of blog, you’re going to be posting very frequently. However, if you have a cooking blog, you may only need to post once a week or so. If you have a seasonal type of blog, such as a gardening blog, you may want to post very frequently during the spring and summer and then back off some and post less frequently during the winter when far less people are planting and harvesting. When trying to determine how often you need to be posting to get the maximum amount of traffic, ask yourself these important questions:
    What audience am I trying to appeal to and what type of information am I offering them?
    When are they searching for this information and what where are they finding it?
    Can I actually stick to a frequent posting schedule?
    How much can I comfortably write per day? Per week?
When you have some answers to these questions, you’re going to have a better idea of how often you should post to your blog. Because what works for others and their websites may not work for you and vice versa. It’s important that you consider yourself and your own site when setting up a schedule that works.
Come Up With Some Blog Topics
Brainstorm some ideas of articles you might post to your blog. Get a nice, long list going. You can write article headlines or just simple ideas if you want, but the point here is to see how many articles you can come up with in the beginning. If you can only come up with 10 ideas at first, it’s going to affect your posting schedule – you don’t want to post every single day and then run out of ideas in ten days. If you can come up with 50 ideas, you may want to consider posting every day. It doesn’t matter how many you actually come up with, just that you know how many topics you can write about to begin with.
Consistent Blogging Is Key
Whether you’re posting once a month, once a week or every day, the most important thing is that you are consistent with your posting.  If you post every day for a week and then don’t post again for another two weeks, you have less of a chance of developing a devoted following. It also affects how the search engines rate your blog in the search results. Search engines want to see regular, consistent activity on a blog.
So when you’re considering how often you can write and post to your blog, consider whether you can keep up with it. If you think you might be able to post daily for a few weeks, but then might run into a situation where you’re out of ideas, or out of time, then consider posting twice a week instead for a longer period of time. Or even once a week. This is where knowing how many ideas you have in your head makes a difference.
Choose a posting schedule that you can stick with, even if it’s less frequently than you wanted in the first place. Consistency is best when it comes to blogging.
Shorter And More Often Is Better Than Longer And Less Frequently
Many people only post every so often, but when they do, they post long articles or musings. They may go for days or weeks in between writing because they just don’t have the time to write a long, drawn out post. This is definitely not the way you want to be doing it! Writing shorter articles and posting them more frequently is much better than waiting until you have the time to write a two page post. So even if you only have ten minutes a day, spend that ten minutes jotting down a “quick tips” post or something else of that nature.
Don’t go for significant periods of time without posting to your blog just because you think you don’t have time to write. It’s better for readers and search engines alike to see more frequent activity on a blog.
At the end of the day, no one can tell you what posting schedule is right for you. It’s something you have to figure out on your own and it depends on the type of blog you have, how much time you have and who you are as a person. Once you find what works for you, stick with it and make sure to have fun with it, because that’s what blogging is all about.


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