Friday, November 21, 2014

The Potato: Origin & Benefits

In much of our food with us or potato protagonist. In our post today elaborate on this rich vegetable, native to the Andean highlands, the border between Peru and Bolivia and came to our country in the sixteenth century and was long considered proper food lower economic classes.
It is now one of the most popular worldwide and the fourth largest consumer after cereals such as wheat, corn or rice. Succulent dishes firsthand the lead as the main foundation.The potato is a tuber that belongs to the same family as vegetables like tomatoes and eggplant. However, its nutritional composition rich in carbohydrates, is included in the farinaceous food group. This group is located at the base of the pyramid of healthy eating and also includes the potato, rice, pasta and bread. The number of recommended daily servings of farinaceous food is four to six. It is considered that a serving of potato for one person is a big or two small.
Benefits of potato
The potatoes have been battered for years, because their carbohydrate content is higher compared to other vegetables. For this reason, many have been labeled as “vegetable that fat.” But you have to ‘knock’ the myth explaining the great benefits of the potato to health.
While its calorific value is greater than other vegetables, potato contributes only 88 kcal per 100 grams, which represents a third of the calories of any cereal, which is the main nutrient carbohydrate.
However, the potato is considered a food rich in carbohydrates, because it has about 20 grams of this nutrient per 100 grams. This makes it an excellent food for sustained energy in our body.
In addition, potatoes are a root and this is what influences their water content representing 75% of this vegetable. On the other hand, stands out in this vegetable its high potassium content, which may be helpful to prevent cramping or other neuromuscular diseases.
It is also rich in vitamin C with strong antioxidant, but unfortunately, much of it is lost during cooking.
Studies evaluating the effects of the potato on the human body have been a protective effect on cognitive impairment and may also have a positive impact on the immune system.
Its glycemic index is low, especially if eaten baked, broiled or grilled, therefore, are a valid alternative to consume prior to training.
Potatoes are a very versatile food, healthy, economical and just do not like. Therefore, we only know that the best way to eat them is by cooking steamed, baked, boiled, broiled or grilled. In this way, we avoid the excess fat that incorporate the chips and enjoy the benefits that this humble plant provides for health.

1. Cocidas or baked, potatoes are virtually fat free food.

2. They are a great source of carbohydrates, the main source of energy in the body (indeed. Should represent at least half of the daily caloric intake).

3. Potatoes are a good source of fiber (which helps regulate intestinal transit) and facilitate the digestive function. Cooked with further contain fiber skin, however, we must be careful not to eat it if it is discolored or has marks.

4. Potatoes also provide vitamin C. Although there are many fruits and fruit juices containing vitamin C, no other starchy food contains so much like potatoes.

5.role in the metabolism of carbohydrates to provide energy and maintain the health of the skin and nervous system.

6. They are also good sources of potassium, and contain small amounts of other minerals such as magnesium and iron.

7. Just do not contain sodium (which together form the chloride salt). Health recommendations suggest not consuming too much salt because of the relationship between sodium intake and the risk of high blood pressure (hypertension

8.The potatoes can be very helpful for those wishing to lose weight or to keep winning. An average serving peeled cooked potatoes (180 g) contains approximately 140 calories, using much lower energy content of the same amount of cooked pasta (286 calories) or cooked rice (248 calories). However, these people should be careful because the energy content of the chips can be double or triple that of boiled or baked potatoes, making them less desirable for those wishing to lose weight.

9. Another interesting aspect for those who do not want to gain weight is that potatoes have a high satiety index. A study on the effects of various food satiety potatoes have found that satiety index three times greater than the same amount of calories of white bread.

10.For who must follow a gluten free diet and can not eat many common foods such as bread, pasta and most breakfast cereals, potatoes are very important. Gluten-free and can be consumed freely by those who need help or who prefer not to eat wheat for other reasons.

Table calories (kcal) of potatoes per 100 grams:

Cooked with skin-66
-Roasted Skinless: 77
-Roasted with skin: 85
-Mashed potatoes with milk and butter: 85
Hambuguesería-French Fries: 280


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