Saturday, November 29, 2014

Make Money with Google Adsense

A program run by Google for the advertisement of websites by displaying related and targeted Google ads is known as Google Adsense. Google started this advertisement program eight years ago and from that time to the present time, millions of website owners got benefit and earned money through it.
Google Adsense advertisement program is for the website owners who want to make money by displaying the ads on their websites. It is an inexpensive form of marketing and an easiest way for the website owners to earn money online. The website owner just has to host an ad on his website and he earns money on every click (pay per click).
Getting the ads is very easy; the ads are displayed on the websites which has activated Google Adsense. Google sets up an account for the website owner and give him a code which is required for the displaying of adverts. By just entering the code in the content pages, the owner can start showing the ads. These ads can be in form of text, images or videos. A website owner can select or specify the place where he wants the ad to be shown. A website owner can place ad units, these are full ads and he can also place link units, these are just a strip of text link.
On the other hand, the Google Adsense allows the businesses to do the advertisement on the other websites and when any person using internet or searching something clicks on that ad then the business pays to Google on each click.
For making money with Google Adsense, a website owner needs high traffic on his website and it can only be done with search engine optimization (SEO). SEO contains link building, article submission, forum and comment posting with the URL of website or web pages. There is targeted traffic as well as non-targeted traffic available on internet. The advertiser always want the targeted traffic so, when the people (targeted traffic) looking for the services an advertiser is offering, they click on it and action takes place.
The most important thing for earning money is that the ad must be relevant to the theme and content of the website on which it is advertised. Google pays some percentage of money that it has earned, to the owner of the website that is hosting an ad on his website. The keywords also play an important role; related keywords should be used in the content of website that will attract related ads.
For getting started, first of all select a good topic that is interesting. Write useful articles on that topic and then post it on the website. Then start building links to those articles and one thing should be kept in mind, select good keywords. Keywords are responsible of attracting traffic on a website or a web page. A great way of increasing the profits is to place the ad exactly beneath the title of the page; by this a website owner will surely get the clicks.

Find The Perfect Niche For Your Blog

Starting a blog can be challenging, even if you’re a super hardcore techie who can design professional looking blogs. Once you get the site up, what do you write about? What is your blog even going to be about? Here’s how to find out what niche is the best fit for you.

What Is A Niche?
Your niche is basically what your blog is about. It’s the type of information you offer to your audience, and what topics you cover. You can have a broad niche or a very tight one – there’s no “wrong” niche. You want to find what best fits with you, your personality and your passions.
Examples Of Niches
    Health And Fitness
    Interior Decor
You can even go further into these niches if you like – for example, you may only want to blog about football instead of sports in general. Perhaps you only want to blog about a certain team, or even a certain player. If you want to tighten down the cooking niche, you may want to blog only about meatless recipes if you’re a vegetarian. Or organic recipes, or even just juicing recipes. Your blog can be as loosely or as tightly niched as you want to make it.
So, how do you find what niche is right for you?
What Is Your Passion?
Everyone has things that they love. It may be collecting Wizard Of Oz memorabilia. It may be gardening. It might be painting, or finding the best deals on discount furniture, or couponing. The list could go on. What do you love? What are you passionate about? Make a list of the things you really enjoy. Not the things you think you should enjoy, or the things you want to do at some point. What are the things that make you giddy? Do you love to craft? Do you love to make witty jokes about celebrities? Be creative. Dig deep.
Do You Have A Special Field Of Expertise?
Some people already have a field of expertise, such as being a doctor, a lawyer or just being really, really good at cooking Mexican dishes. What are the things you are good at, or the things you have certifications in? Is there anything that you are particularly knowledgeable about? Write down the things that you do well, even if you don’t particularly love them. This will give you a true scope of the possibilities for your blog, but chances are, you’re not going to choose something you have a lot of expertise in if you don’t love it too.
What Could You Write About Essentially Forever?
So you have a list of things you love to do, things you enjoy, things you’re good at, etc. It could be a big list, it could be a very small list.  To determine practical niches for your blog, think about the topics on your sheet of paper and consider which ones you could theoretically write about forever. Can you see yourself writing article after article on puppy training? If the answer is no, then scrap it. What about cooking? Do you already have tons of ideas for recipe posts swirling about in your head? If the answer is yes, then consider that to be one of the final possibilities for your blog’s niche.
Blogs are about content. Even if you love something, if you can’t write about it day after day, your blog isn’t going to go anywhere. Choosing a topic that you have lots of ideas for or can write about again and again and again without getting bored makes sure that one, two or even five years down the road from now, you can still create fresh content for your blog. However, chances are if you love something, you’re going to find it easy to write about anyways.
Look At Your Final List
By now, you should have it pared down to a few ideas. Maybe you only have one idea, or maybe you have five. That’s okay. Look at your list. Put it up. Sleep on it. Take it back out. Put it up again. Wait a week. Look at it again. Sleep with it. Shower with it. Okay, not really. But you get the idea. Meditating on the possible niches for your blog without making a hasty decision will reveal the one you truly want.
When you envision the possible niches for your blog over time, you will keep going back to one again and again. You might think about other niches and envision the possibilities for those, only to find your mind drifting back to the one topic. This is what will reveal to you the blog niche that is truly in your heart.
Be Confident And Go For It!
Once you find the niche, throw away your list. Right away! Don’t second guess yourself, don’t go back and consider the other niches again. Be confident and start a blog in that niche. Write your first post! Who cares if it doesn’t look pretty to begin with. Start writing. And write a post tomorrow. And the next day. And the next day.
If it’s a niche that you truly enjoy, you will find it easy to write posts about things related to your niche. Sure, you may still get writer’s block from time to time, but it will be nothing compared to trying to blog about a niche that you really couldn’t care less about. So get going! Take the plunge and when you come up on the other side, you’ll look back and be glad that you finally did it.

Check DoFollow and NoFollow Links

When a person uses any anchor link in their writing, search engines may follow it and consider it as a backlink or a vote for the linked website. However, there are plenty of spammers out there who make bad use of this system. Especially the comment spammers post irrelevant comments in different niche websites and hamper the regular flow of conversation there.

There are also some other reasons (e.g. to prevent link juice flowing to the pages that are not very important from SEO perspective) why sometimes we may need to tell the search engine not to follow some of the links that can be found in a particular web page. So in plain words, we can say that links that are followed and recognized by different search engines are called DoFollow links. On the other hand, links that are not followed or recognized by the search engines are called NoFollow links.
How to check DoFollow and NoFollow backlinks?
We have discussed about what dofollow is and what nofollow is and what they do. But how to check whether the links found in a particular website are DoFollow or NoFollow links?
Actually, there are multiple tools that you can use to determine whether a link is DoFollow or NoFollow. In order to determine if a blog or website allows DoFollow links, you need to check some of the links of that website using some online DoFollow link checker tools. You go to the website for which you want to check the blog contents being dofollow or nofollow. There you will see the names of all the approved bloggers, right click on the name of that bloggers, you will see a pop-up menu coming with lots of option for check, click on “Inspect Element”. The screen will get divided and a separate screen showing the selection source will come. See the highlighted lines, there, you will be able to see whether the blog post is dofollow or nofollow.
DoFollow backlinks are very important for any website to become famous and get highly ranked in search engines.

How To Be Successful (Including Blogging)

The definition of success varies from person to person, but the way to get there doesn’t. Even if your idea of what success is differs from what someone else’s idea of what success is, your basic mentality must be the same if you are both going to actually be successful. Here are tactics to use no matter what you want to achieve.
Be Successful By Doing What You Love
The first step to being successful is to make sure you’re aiming to do what you love. If you don’t love it, you’ll never truly be good at it! If you’re trying to climb the corporate ladder at a company you hate, or are blogging about topics that bore you just to try to make money or get more traffic, you’re not going to be able to keep it up for very long. You may be able to do it for a little while, but eventually you’re going to get sick of it. You’ll either find something new you’d rather be doing, or keep going until you have a mental breakdown.
Success needs to be long term, and if you’re not absolutely passionate about what you’re doing, you’re not going to be able to do it long term. Make sure you’re doing what you love and you love what you’re doing. Find your passion and go with it!
Allow Mistakes
Everyone makes mistakes, and they make them on a regular basis. Making mistakes isn’t something you can prevent from happening. Even if you do your best, you’re still going to make a mistake every now and again. Realize that your mistakes are something natural and human. Take the opportunity to learn from them – figure out what you did wrong, and learn how not to repeat that same mistake. If you learn from your mishaps, you can move forward and continue to grow. You will be successful, no matter what your personal definition of “success” is.
If you never allow mistakes, you never give yourself the chance to learn from them and grow. You’ll still make mistakes for sure, but you’ll be so busy criticizing yourself for making the mistake in the first place that you’ll never learn what you need to learn from the situation. Instead, allow yourself to make mistakes and to use them to learn what not to do, and what to do instead.
Keep Going
Perseverance is key f you want to be successful. You’re going to come across obstacles and setbacks no matter what you’re doing or where you’re going. If you let obstacles and setbacks drag you down, you’ll never really be able to move forward. You’ll get stuck in a rut and never be able to get out.
Instead, keep going when something bad happens or you run into an obstacle. Focus on figuring out how to overcome whatever it is that is holding you back and then do it. Don’t lament about what happened, or dwell on the bad. Come up with a solution and enact it. Keep going, even when you don’t feel like it. Keep going when you’d rather quit. Pretty soon, you’ll come up on the other side and be glad you didn’t give up.
If you want to be successful, you’re going to continually have to come up with new ideas and new ways of doing things. Nobody ever got successful by doing the same thing over and over again. If you’re blogging, figure out new ways to do things more efficiently, or more quickly. Find new tools to use that automate things that suck up a lot of time. Learn to work smarter, not harder! Even if you’re not blogging, always striving to do things better and coming up with new ideas is what keeps you moving forward.
Don’t assume that just because you’ve found a good method of doing something, or you’ve found something that works, that there isn’t a better way. Don’t assume that just because you’ve come up with a good idea, that there aren’t even better ideas out there. Don’t allow yourself to get complacent, or to rest on your laurels. Always be brainstorming and thinking of different things to do, or what could potentially save you time and money.
No matter what you want to be successful at, these are techniques and tactics that you can use to help you get there. Take your individual definition of success and go for it! Strive to get there and never, ever give up.

How People Spend Their Time Online

The “How People Spend Their Time Online” infographic by, a Dubai web design company, it illustrates the activities that Internet users do online. It is estimated that over two billion of the global population are online which is equal to approximately 30% of the world’s population. About 3-4 million years is the global time spent online on a monthly basis.
The average time per month that is spent by a global Internet user  is equal to 16 hours while the U.S Internet user devotes 32 hours every month. The chart that indicates the online population all over the world, with 78% in North America, 64% in Europe, and 58% is Oceania, 37% in Latin America, 22% in Asia and only 11% in Africa. The top countries with the highest online population include United Kingdom with 85%, followed by Germany, France, Japan, United States, Russia, Brazil, China, Nigeria and India.
There are various ways on how people spend their time online. About 22% on social networking sites, 21% spend time on searches, 20% on reading content, 19% on emails and communication, 13% on multimedia websites, and 5% on online shopping. Of course, the popular activities online include emails, using search engines, checking for health or medical information, hobbies, search for directions, checking the weather, information search on buying products, entertainment and buying products.
The top ten most visited websites include Google with over a 153 million of unique visitors every month. Facebook follows with about 137 million unique visitors each month. Other visited websites include YouTube, Microsoft, AOL, Apple and MSN.
There are also interesting facts that you need to take note of. More than 56% of social networking users utilized the social networking sites as a way to spy on their partners. Brazilians are considered to have the highest online friends that range from 481 friends for each user, while the Japanese have an average of only 29 friends.  In China, users typically spend the maximum of 5 hours every week shopping online. Google has over a billion search queries each day. With YouTube, there are over four billion views on a daily basis while content of more than 60 hours are uploaded each minute. For the social networking sites such as Twitter and Facebook, there are over 250 million tweets each day and 800 million updates on Facebook each day.
The highest trends online include location based services, time shifted TV and internet banking etc. Obviously, the least favored trends include professionally created videos, live online videos and user created videos.

How Often Should I Post To My Blog

Starting a blog can be confusing. What do you do first? How often do you write? Between designing your blog, getting the latest plugins to work and coming up with content, blogging may seem overwhelming! Fortunately, how many times you need to post to your blog per day or per week is actually quite simple. Here’s a few guidelines on how often you should post to your blog.
Ask Yourself Some Important Questions
How often you post to your blog depends a lot on what type of blog you actually have. For example, if you have a gossip blog, you may need to post daily, several times a day and any time there is breaking news or gossip that you need to cover. So for this type of blog, you’re going to be posting very frequently. However, if you have a cooking blog, you may only need to post once a week or so. If you have a seasonal type of blog, such as a gardening blog, you may want to post very frequently during the spring and summer and then back off some and post less frequently during the winter when far less people are planting and harvesting. When trying to determine how often you need to be posting to get the maximum amount of traffic, ask yourself these important questions:
    What audience am I trying to appeal to and what type of information am I offering them?
    When are they searching for this information and what where are they finding it?
    Can I actually stick to a frequent posting schedule?
    How much can I comfortably write per day? Per week?
When you have some answers to these questions, you’re going to have a better idea of how often you should post to your blog. Because what works for others and their websites may not work for you and vice versa. It’s important that you consider yourself and your own site when setting up a schedule that works.
Come Up With Some Blog Topics
Brainstorm some ideas of articles you might post to your blog. Get a nice, long list going. You can write article headlines or just simple ideas if you want, but the point here is to see how many articles you can come up with in the beginning. If you can only come up with 10 ideas at first, it’s going to affect your posting schedule – you don’t want to post every single day and then run out of ideas in ten days. If you can come up with 50 ideas, you may want to consider posting every day. It doesn’t matter how many you actually come up with, just that you know how many topics you can write about to begin with.
Consistent Blogging Is Key
Whether you’re posting once a month, once a week or every day, the most important thing is that you are consistent with your posting.  If you post every day for a week and then don’t post again for another two weeks, you have less of a chance of developing a devoted following. It also affects how the search engines rate your blog in the search results. Search engines want to see regular, consistent activity on a blog.
So when you’re considering how often you can write and post to your blog, consider whether you can keep up with it. If you think you might be able to post daily for a few weeks, but then might run into a situation where you’re out of ideas, or out of time, then consider posting twice a week instead for a longer period of time. Or even once a week. This is where knowing how many ideas you have in your head makes a difference.
Choose a posting schedule that you can stick with, even if it’s less frequently than you wanted in the first place. Consistency is best when it comes to blogging.
Shorter And More Often Is Better Than Longer And Less Frequently
Many people only post every so often, but when they do, they post long articles or musings. They may go for days or weeks in between writing because they just don’t have the time to write a long, drawn out post. This is definitely not the way you want to be doing it! Writing shorter articles and posting them more frequently is much better than waiting until you have the time to write a two page post. So even if you only have ten minutes a day, spend that ten minutes jotting down a “quick tips” post or something else of that nature.
Don’t go for significant periods of time without posting to your blog just because you think you don’t have time to write. It’s better for readers and search engines alike to see more frequent activity on a blog.
At the end of the day, no one can tell you what posting schedule is right for you. It’s something you have to figure out on your own and it depends on the type of blog you have, how much time you have and who you are as a person. Once you find what works for you, stick with it and make sure to have fun with it, because that’s what blogging is all about.

How Alexa Ranks Websites

Alexa is a web information company and one of the internet information providers company. It provides the information of traffic and ranking of a website. According to an estimate, Alexa ranks 30 million websites worldwide. A person can search Alexa, if he wants to know about the most successful websites. Search can be done by keyword, country and category of the website also.
Not only it ranks the websites, this company also provides the webmaster service for improving the websites. Alexa pro tools can be used to increase the ranking of a website. There are millions of Alexa toolbar users all around the world. The traffic of a website can be easily compared by the traffic of all other websites of that category with the help of Alexa.
Websites are ranked by the Alexa depending on the traffic of that website. The traffic of a website is calculated by analyzing the number of users visit that website or one of the pages of the website. The rank is changed after every three months depending on the traffic data obtained by the diverse traffic data sources and by computing the web usage of Alexa toolbar users. The rank not only shows the number of users visited the website, it also shows the number of pages that are viewed by the user.
There are some important terms that are taken into consideration while ranking a website. The first one is the Reach. Reach is the measurement of the number of users viewed the website. It is shown in percentage, like if a website has a reach of 30% then it means from the 100% percent users of the internet, 30% users visited it. The second is page views. It is the measurement of number of pages viewed by person who visited the website. If a visitor views a specific page of a website many times in a day then it is counted one time. Alexa ranks the website by traffic which has visited the website in the time period of three months but there is also a traffic trend graph which shows the daily traffic rank of a website. By a trend graph the increase and decrease in website traffic can be seen easily. A website with consistent traffic gets rank increased. The main focus of Alexa is on the traffic of the website.
Alexa also ranks the blogs and the personal pages of individuals depending on traffic like the websites. There are some techniques to improve the Alexa ranking of a website. First of all a person has to download the Alexa toolbar. Write the quality content with the related keywords and post it on the social networking sites. Search engine optimization of the website increases the traffic. With the help of Alexa toolbar a person can compare his website with the competitor’s website. It provides a search function which shows the rank of a visited website and also shows the websites that are connected with the visited website in some way.
By the way, in terms of Alexa ranking system the less the merrier. If you have Alexa Rank #1, that means you are Facebook. When your new website starts to take traffic, your Alexa Rank will start from 25M-30M range.

Future of Adobe Flash

Adobe Flash, formerly known as Macromedia Flash, is a software and multimedia platform which is used to create games, animation, vector graphics and Rich Internet Application (RIA). These applications can be executed and played in Adobe Flash Player. Adobe Flash is mainly used for interactive multimedia contents of web pages and also for audio players and video streaming. Adobe Flash provides animation of still images, drawing and text. It also supports audio and video bidirectional streaming and have the facility to capture input from users through camera, microphone, keyboard and mouse. Adobe Flash content is accessible via Adobe Flash Player on many computer devices and system and is available for free of charge for many common web browsers. The emergence of new platforms like HTML5 and jQuery is paving the way to tough competition in the web market and it will be interesting to see if the future of Adobe flash is bright or bleak.
Comparison between Adobe Flash and HTML5
HTML5 is a core technology of the Internet. It is an acronym for Hyper Text Markup Language that is used for creating and presenting content for the World Wide Web. Adobe and HTML5 platforms include the features of audio and video integration in web pages with vector graphics features. HTML5 has emerged as a strong and viable alternative to Adobe Flash.
Adobe Flash runs on Android, Linux, Mac OS X, and Microsoft Windows. Earlier versions of Adobe Flash run on Windows mobile, Symbian, Sony’s Play Station and PSP. However, Apple products like the iPhone, iPad and iPod do not use Adobe Flash for featuring its application. On the other hand, HTML5 is being used to a large degree in modern web browsers. Opera, Safari, Firefox, Chrome and Internet Explorer are using HTML5. Creating web browser by Adobe Flash is relatively easier than integrating development environment for HTML. The downside is that Adobe tools are proprietary and expensive.
On the other hand, tools of Adobe Flash are already in market whereas HTML5 has just started entering in the market. Adobe Flash has special feature to specify the measurement of sub- pixel increment which results in crisper and pleasant appearance of Adobe Flash websites. But when it comes to HTML features for sub-pixel scale, it leads to unreliability and inconsistency of displayed images. Some of these positives give an edge to Adobe and the future of Adobe flash looks bright.
Comparison between Adobe Flash and jQuery
jQuery is a Javascript library. jQuery can add multiple inter activity to the web page elements. jQuery is more compatible than Adobe Flash for implementation on PSP, PS3, cell phones or iPhone. jQuery provides many free professional programs with standard quality. jQuery has small size whereas Adobe Flash has potentially large file size. The future of Adobe flash will depend on whether it can develop the feature to compete with jQuery and come out stronger in its offering.
Performance of Adobe FlashSome users of Linux and Mac OS X have complained about high usage of CPU for Flash video playback. This phenomenon was there because Flash plugins do not use GPU for rendering video. Adobe flash is also vulnerable to security attacks and is not especially known for its reliability on fixing the issues quickly.
Future of Adobe flash
Mobile phones and tablet PCs is the largest growing segment of the consumer electronics space, today. Adobe flash was designed to run on desktops and it is not inherently power efficient. This is a big drawback as mobile phone users prefer those software programs that do not require less power/charge to operate.
Most of the Mobile phones and tablets are touch screen oriented now-a-days. Adobe needs to re-engineer its platform from supporting the mice to supporting touch on mobile devices to be in the race against jQuery and HTML5. With a big name like Apple bypassing Adobe flash for HTML5, Adobe seems to be losing the race before the competition begins.

Earn Money from Google Adsense via YouTube

In today’s world, there are many different ways to make money online. One of the avenues to pursuing a profit online is by using your YouTube channel. There are thousands of YouTube channels on the web today and many of them are now using Google Adsense to generate a profit for themselves. But just how does this process work? And how can you begin?
The Process
The way that you generate income using your YouTube channel is to become a YouTube partner. To get paid from YouTube, however, you need an Adsense account. If you get accepted by Google Adsense and YouTube, you can insert ads into your videos. You then get paid based on the amount of clicks per ad, similar to Google Adsense ads on other websites.
Grow Your Audience
Before applying to YouTube, you should have a good-sized audience. In order to be assured of acceptance you need at least 5,000 subscribers, 50,000 channel views, and 1,000,000 upload views. There are people who have been accepted with less, but this is almost a guaranteed push in the right direction.
The reason for building your audience is quite simple. YouTube and Adsense definitely don’t want to waste their time and ads on videos that only a handful of people view. And you won’t earn much income if only five people click on an ad. So make sure to promote your YouTube channel in the online and offline world.
Post on a Regular Basis
If you wish to build your audience, you will get more views by continuing to post on a regular basis. People will come back for fresh content if they find that they like your ideas. And if they like your videos enough to share them, their friends may keep coming back for new content. So try to post new videos as often as possible.
Be Professional
In the online advertising world, it definitely pays to be professional. One way to become more professional is to create a brand name for your videos. A brand name gives your viewers a simple way to remember how to find your work. Create a website to showcase your latest works, and post your videos there as you create them. Make an intro with the brand name for your videos to make them more appealing. If you are professional, you will be able to attract your viewers and they will continue to visit.
Copy Infringement
To make sure that you get accepted by YouTube, don’t use any material in your videos which is copyrighted by other people. This could be another company’s logo, copying the exact script of another video, or simply someone else’s music playing in the background. If you are going to make money online, you should do so through the creation of your own ideas instead of stealing someone else’s.
Become a YouTube Partner
Once you have created your unique videos that appeal to the public and began promoting your channel by creating a brand name, you are ready to apply to become a YouTube partner. Just remember that you must also be accepted by Google Adsense to be paid. Once you have met these conditions, you will begin earning money through your YouTube channel in a short span of time.

Domain Parking What It Is and How You Can Make Money

Many people are a bit confused about the concept of domain parking and they get even more puzzled when they hear that one can actually make money parking domains. Good thing you found this article, then, as it is meant to make you understand exactly what domain name parking is and how you can use it to your advantage.
When to Park a Domain

In most cases, people buy domain names when they’re just about to build a website. There are also cases where a person buys several domain names because he hasn’t really decided on which name to use for his website and he wants to prevent others from buying the names he’s choosing from while he’s still deciding. Whatever your situation is, there will definitely be a certain period of time when the domain you bought will just be lying there without an actual website. This is the best time for you to park your domain.
Domain Parking: How to Go about It
Parking a domain is similar to parking a car in the sense that you have a domain, but it’s just lying there without being used. With parked domains, however, you have the option to monetize the domain or not. When you choose not to monetize a parked domain, it will simply show a “Coming Soon” or “Under Construction” message whenever a person types the domain name on his browser. When you decide to monetize your parked domain, it will show a temporary website where advertisements are displayed.
This is how you go about domain parking:
    Register a domain.
    Test the domain’s traffic. One thing you need to bear in mind is that the terms and conditions of all domain parking companies prohibit the advertising or promotion of parked domains. I repeat, you CANNOT advertise your parked domain to get traffic. This is why you need to first make sure the domain is already getting traffic before you work on monetizing it.
    Register with a parking company. Of course, you should take this step only when you’ve verified that your parked domain is getting a fair amount of traffic.
    Follow instructions on how to use the parking company’s service.
    Target the ads that appear on your parked domain such that they’re related to the domain name. This tip is especially important if you’re just parking the domain temporarily and plan to use it for an actual website someday. The ads should relate to the future content of your website.
This is how you earn money through your parked domain:
    An online user types your domain name into his browser.
    He is taken to the web page with the advertisements and links.
    If he finds an ad or link he’s interested in, he clicks on it.
    If the owner of the website where the ad or link leads to earns from that visit, he pays the parking company a certain amount and the parking company shares the amount with you, since the revenue came from your domain.
Choosing a Domain Name for Parking
How do you know whether a particular domain is a good candidate for parking? You’ll have to go through a verification process, of course. Let’s assume you’re still about to buy a domain. Whether you plan to use the domain for your website in the future or you simply want to hold it to prevent others from buying it, here’s how to make sure you can use it for parking purposes:
    Determine your niche and its staying power. Having a niche is important for any business because it provides you with a focus. And if you want your business to succeed, you’ll have to make sure your niche has a lasting appeal. The same is true for domain parking. The niche you choose for your domain should have lasting appeal so you can make the most out of it.
    Create a list of topics relevant to your chosen niche. For example, if your chosen niche is jewelry, you could list topics like bracelets, necklaces, anklets, engagement and wedding rings, and fashion earrings. Write down as many relevant topics as you can.
    Identify popular keywords for each topic on your list with the use of such tools as Google Keyword Tool. Create a separate list for keywords with the highest search volume for each topic, as these are the words that hold the most promise as domain names.
    Check for available domains based on the keywords you’ve identified using domain registration services like or Domaintyper. List down the shortest domain names with .com extensions (stick to one-word domains if you can). Remember that shorter names are easier to remember and will therefore attract more traffic.
Choosing Parking Companies
It’s a good idea to register with more than one parking company. With the domain parking industry being very competitive, you do have a lot of good options. To begin with, you may want to consider these companies:
    Sedo – This is a good starting point where you can park your domain for a few weeks to get a fair gauge of your domain’s performance. You may then try to adjust your layouts or switch keywords to see if the domain’s performance improves.
    Voodoo – This company is known to offer the highest payouts. They also offer Auto Optimization, which automatically determines the best keywords and layout for your domain. If you don’t like this automatic function, they also give you the option of manually customizing your domain.
    DomainSponsor – This site is known for supporting foreign traffic and the Zero-click Model. It is one of the best-known brands assembled by, which is the brainchild of Entrepreneur of the Year Award recipient Lawrence Ng. The site helps monetize over 2 million domains and there’s no reason for yours not to be one of them.
Whenever you choose domains for parking, be sure to avoid blacklisted domains, as these are almost impossible to monetize. You can use the Google Blacklist Tool to find out if a particular domain is still good or if it isn’t worth your time. As a final tip, you should always look at a domain investment as a loss until you actually start earning profits from it. Therefore, you should never spend more than what you can afford to lose.

Friday, November 28, 2014

Decide To Start Today

TODAY. No, not tomorrow, not next week, and not next month. Tomorrow always feels “safe” because you’re not having to make a decision. The power of today is that you make that commitment to yourself. And that is the first step to success.
 This step is the most critical one, and it’s where most people get stuck. Don’t dream about doing something. Just get up and do it.
    “The best way to live the life of your dreams is to start living the life of your dreams Today, in every little way that you possibly can.”  – Mike Dooley
Step #1. Create Your New Blog
The first thing you need to do is find a home for your new blog. This is where your blog will live. It’s where you’ll write, publish, and manage your blog posts (or articles). It’s where you’ll decorate and personalize your blog.
Don’t make the critical mistake of confusing an old-school web host for a blog host. If you get a web host, that’s like buying the shell of a house – you’re going to have to build all the walls and install the plumbing yourself!
Be smart and go with a full service blog host where someone else manages all the techie stuff so that you can focus on blogging.
We highly recommend BlogPress blog hosting for this. It provides a “well-built and excellently maintained home” for your blog so that you can focus on blogging without having to worry about all the techie stuff that comes with managing servers and databases.
BlogPress is where we host all of our Dan & Jennifer Media Blogs that get millions of page views every month.
Here are just a few of the things we LOVE about BlogPress…
    Full-Service Blog Hosting . They do ALL the techie stuff for you. All you have to do is blog.
    Incredible Personal Support. You are not alone. The knowledgeable and friendly support team is here to help you setup your blog, answer all of your blogging questions, and even give you a virtual hug when you’ve had a rough day.
    Beautiful Premium Themes. More than 150 high quality, very customizable themes at no additional cost to you.
    Free Blog Setup Service. Need some help getting things looking just right? Let BlogPress do it for you.
    90-Day Blogging Success Plan (Free Training). Step-by-step what you need to do in the first 90 Days to ensure that you start your incredibly successful blog the right way.
    Video Tutorials (Free Training). These contextual (there when you need them) videos show you how to do what you want to do, when you want to do it.
Click Here To Start Your Blog Today!
Plus, when you host your blog with BlogPress, they will install and set up your BlogPress blog and map your domain name to your new blog at no additional cost to you.
Not only that, BlogPress will also install for FREE the following plugins to get you started in the right direction:
    Yoast WordPress SEO – the ultimate WordPress SEO plugin will help you rank higher in search engines.
    Google XML Sitemaps – will get your posts indexed quickly on Google
    Google Analytics for WordPress – see who’s visiting your new blog with the best blog analytics tool of all.
    Akismet – great anti-spam plugin to automatically kill off spam comments.
    Gravity Forms – totally customizable forms that you can use for things like your Contact Us page, author submissions, and advertiser requests.
    Additional plugins for emails subscriptions, social media, and advertising.
    And many, many more…
What does all this mean to you?
BlogPress takes care of all the techie stuff so you don’t have to. The last thing you want to do is worry about these 57 Things yourself!
they’ll get your blog set up and optimized so that you’re good to go – right out of the gates. You’ll have everything you need to start blogging getting traffic to your blog fast! Let BlogPress put their years of experience to work for you so that you can skip over all the mistakes we made and get started on the right foot…
Step #2: Get The Help And Support You Need
The biggest mistake that new bloggers make is trying to start a blog all alone with no support. Don’t make this mistake.
When you start your blog with BlogPress, you’ll get incredible personal support from a very knowledgeable and friendly support team.
Get help with…
    Setting up your blog
    Customizing your theme
    Puttings ads on your blog
    General blogging questions
    Keywords, SEO, and other confusing blogging terms
    Whatever you need help with, just ask…

Whether or not you do these alone or with help is up to you…

Common Methods of Hacked a Website

While you are reading this article, a number of websites are being hacked at some corner of the Internet. A hacker not only takes the entire control of the website, but in most cases he/she collects data from the hacked website for various purposes. Knowing common ways to hack websites is crucial for protecting your site from intruders.
 Before hacking any website, a hacker needs to hack the IP address of the site. An IP address can be found by running a simple command on your system.
    Go to ‘run command’ or press (windows + r), then type cmd and press enter.
    Use the following command with the URL of the website for retrieving its IP address.
    nslookup URL address (i.e. nslookup
    Once you have got the IP, you can scan it to see what hacking protections the site is using and what type of loop holes it has.
Once you have successfully found out these, some common hacking methods that can be applied to hack the website.
Cross site scripting method
This is a type of computer security vulnerability which is found in web applications. Basically the application contains hidden client-side scripts in it. Attackers inject it into web pages when affected users visit a website. This method is used to gain or bypass access controls.
Brutal force attack
In simple words, this method uses all possible key matches to decrypt a message or password. It is very simple and effective but extremely slow. Therefore, this method can only be used if other methods don’t work for the site.
Ddos attack
If any hacker intends to make a website down rather than gaining access to it, then this method is perfect. Using Ddos, you can overload the resources and render the system unusable or extremely slow so that no one can access the site.
SQL injection
Basically it’s a code injection technique which works when the user input has an incorrect filter system for string literal escape characters, which are embedded in statements using SQL. SQL injection also exploits security vulnerability when it occurs in the database layer of some applications when user input is weak enough to crack.  Attackers can influence the queries that stream to the back-end database when they use SQL injection.
Parameter tampering
Clients and server regularly exchange parameters to modify application data like user credentials and permissions, price and quantity updates of products and many more. These parameters can be tampered by Web Parameter Tampering attack as they are important for increasing the functionalities of the applications and controls.
Attacking default credentials
When a hardware or network application is developed, a set of default credentials like a default username and password is set for gaining administrative access to the system. Some webmasters or users do not bother changing the defaults. These defaults can be easily attacked and cracked to gain unauthorized access to the system.
Taking proper precautions for unethical hacking can protect your site and databases from hackers. If you really care about your site and personal information, then it will be a priceless investment if you spend some time to know the most popular and possible ways a website of hacking a website. Once you are aware of them, you can easily find any loophole or weak point and take actions if necessary or you can simply inform your webmaster about your observation so that he/she can take preventive measures.

Blogging Profit 10000 Hours in 10 Minutes

It takes 10,000 hours of practice to become an expert in something, but wouldn’t you rather get it done in 10 minutes?
Fortunately that’s all it will take to read today’s expert interview with Jennifer Baritchi of Dan & Jennifer Media. This dynamic duo created their own blog network and turned it into a successful endeavor.
Check out the full MediaShower interview with Jennifer about what makes a successful blog and how anyone can do it—if they know what to do.
10,000 Hours in 10 Minutes – Jennifer Baritchi on Blogging for Profit
You’ll discover…
    What are some misconceptions you find people have about making blogging a paying concern?
    What are some of the common ways a blog can make money?
    What are some mistakes fledgling bloggers make when trying to launch a profitable blog?
    What are the tools a blogger who wants to make money has to know about?
    How long does it take for a blog to become profitable?
    What are some ways to assess the ideas you have for a blog, to see if they have appeal?
    Can “niche” blogs be profitable?
    What are some ways to promote your blog that may not be immediately obvious?
    Where does a blog fit in with a larger marketing strategy or branding plan?

Best Alternatives to Google Ad's Planner

Last year Google announced that it would be discontinuing several features on its DoubleClick Ad Planner. This led  many users to look for other platforms that provide similar services. This Google product was a widely used tools by website owners, and they gained valuable information using this tool. Some of the changes include removal of ads or domains that do not fall in the Google Display Network otherwise known as the GDN. This has certainly dismayed many active users of the service, as it cannot be used for premium ad placements anymore, and many domains do not fall into the Google Display Network

How it was useful
This tool was very handy, especially for people involved in digital marketing. It enabled them to get quick and easy analysis of website traffic, demographics, income of households, and so on. It also enables you to find out which sites are doing well in a particular niche.  Though this data isn’t always very accurate, it provides vital information to many websites, both big and small.
This application can be used not only on one’s own website, but on other websites too. This way you can conduct research on your competitors’ websites as well.  Some of the filter options that are no longer available with the application include audience filters of You Tube channel (though the content filters are still available), education, keywords and etc. Information that no longer will be available includes site language, domain research, site info, and many others.
Easy alternatives to Google’s DoubleClick Ad Planner
For those who have been looking everywhere for a suitable replacement for Google’s AdPlanner tool, I am going to highlight about some good and effective alternatives to Google Ad planner. For information regarding ad placement and any non-GDN sites, the IAB Digital Advertising Directory is one of the best available options. This tool proves to be quite useful, and is free to use. It contains almost all the top websites, and they are listed here. You can find more about this tool here.
For site discovery, there are free tools available from many sources. Some of them include, Quantcast, Compete and Alexa. Also, Markosweb is a web service that will help users find out various information about the traffic of a particular website, just like the other tools that has been listed above.
Even the publisher center from Google has been removed. This handy tool helped publishers in the claiming of their own websites. They could also maintain ad placement accordingly. An alternative to this is the Data Card Publisher. This is a free tool developed by NextMark and allows publishers to create and maintain listings of their own in the directory.
For those people who want to create new media plans, there is a tool out there to help them as well. It is again from NextMark and is called Digital Media Planner. This tool is not that expensive and proves to be an efficient alternative to ad placements and non-GDN sites.

A Guide for Google Adsense Rates

Trying to understand Google’s rates for their Adsense ads can be just as confusing to the layman as trying to figure out a calculus problem. For this reason, many people do not take full advantage of all that Google has to offer. Many people simply sign-up for Adsense, go through the process of figuring out how to add it to their site, and cross their fingers. However, there is a little more to the process of Google Adsense rates than pure luck.

 CTR, CPC, and RPM: Greek Terms to Most
When trying to understand the rates for Google’s ads, you need to understand these three terms: CTR, CPC, and RPM. But what do these three sets of initials mean?
CTR is a set of initials that Google uses for the Click-Through-Rate. But how is this figured? Simply put, the CTR is the number of clicks that each ad gets, divided by the number of impressions, then multiplied by 100.
However, there are two different CTRs to contemplate. There is a CTR that is composed of the number of visitors to your site, and a CTR that is composed of the number of pageviews on your site. Viewing both of these different types of CTRs can lead you to completely different numbers.
If each of your visitors clicks on several different pages of your website, the numbers for your pageview can be dramatically distorted.
Therefore, a better way of measuring your ad rate would be to predict the value of your keyword. To learn how to predict the value of your keyword, follow along to understand CPC.
CPC stands for cost-per-click. The first step to finding the CPC is to use the Google Adwords Keyword Tool. By plugging your word into this tool, you can find how much advertisers are willing to pay to get an ad listed on for that keyword.
Now, that is not your rate for that ad on your website. Those advertisers will only pay about 30 percent for that ad to be posted on your website. So, take thirty percent of that number and that will be the CPC for that ad on your website.
Another way of measuring your Google Adsense rate is RPM. RPM stands for Revenue per Mille, or page revenue per 1000 impressions. This is the amount that Google calculates you will make for every 1000 views to your site. However, this only works well for larger sites with more views, since the number of visitors can vary based on a variety of things.
The Best Way
Therefore, the best way to measure your Google Adsense rate seems to be the CPC, or the cost-per-click. By using the Google Adwords Keyword Tool, you can plug your keyword in to find the amount that advertisers will pay for their ad to be placed on, then find 30 percent of that number to find how much the advertiser will pay to post ads on your site. From that point, you simply need to work on improving your website, using your Google Adsense ads in the best way possible, and promoting your website to maximize your profits with Google Adsense.

Google Adsense Tips and Tricks

Working with Google Adsense to generate a profit can be somewhat daunting, especially when you even think about all of the advanced algorithms that Google uses to weed out sites. But I have assembled 10 amazing Google Adsense tips and tricks that will help you improve your knowledge and your earnings with Google’s ad program.
 1) If you want to maximize your profits, make sure to create more than one website.
However, you don’t want to start off by creating 100 websites. Maintenance for that many sites, at first, would be hectic. While having only one website would be the easiest to maintain, it also increases your chances of being cut out altogether by the latest algorithm update. So, you want to have a few websites up and running. Then if the latest algorithm forces one website out, you still have a few others to generate income from while you work on the affected one.

2) Pick a niche to write about per site.
Creating a site that discusses any topic under the moon may be easier to find the desire to update, but it will make it difficult to create constant traffic, make it hard for the Google search engine to rank your site, and cause trouble generating ads that are on topic.
Also, if you only pick one subject to focus on, you can go more in-depth and gain expertise in that field. This makes your website more profitable for users and yourself.

3) Create a site about something you are already interested in!
This Google Adsense tip only makes sense! Making your site about something that you like makes it more fun in the long-run for you to continue managing your site. If something is less like work, then you are more likely to do it. Constant updates on your site is good for traffic and search engines, which generates clicks on your ads.
However, don’t create a site about something that is not in demand. Just because you like to study rare deep-sea anglerfish doesn’t mean that everyone else does. If you want to maximize your profits, you will need to give information about something that the general public will be researching.

4)Do not put Google Adsense on a brand new site!
When building a new site, wait until you have completed the site, you have built inbound links, and you are getting traffic. A brand new site can leave your ads being off topic and difficult to follow.
Also, if you try to apply to Google Adsense too early when your website is brand new, you will most likely be turned away. Google wants to know that your site has enough traffic so that putting their ads on your page will be profitable to them and you. They don’t waste time on beginner or spammy sites.

5) Do not put images next to your ads!
While many people did this for years and it worked successfully, it now against Google’s policies to do so. This is considered to be ‘encouraging clicks’ which is prohibited. If you do so, you may get more clicks for a bit, but you will quickly be caught and banned from having Adsense on your page. And once you are banned, you cannot get your account back into good standing.

Here is a free additional Google Adsense tip: If you haven’t read Google’s Adsense policies, I seriously suggest doing so.

6) Place images in optimal places on your site.
Ads that are higher on the site get clicked more often, which generates more income.

7) If you want to maintain optimal profit, do not put your ads on affiliate sites.
While well-known affiliate sites may get you more clicks than your own brand new site, you cannot depend on these sites to earn a maximum profit. It can be considered as a violation of the rules and regulations of Adsense. Moreover, each of the affiliate sites charges a percentage of your earnings to be able to post on their site. So, work on your own site, promote it to generate traffic, and be patient. Having ads on your own site will be better for you in the long-run.

8) Make sure to update your site on a regular basis.
If you create a site and leave it for a few months, you may find that your traffic has dropped significantly. Therefore, your amount of clicks and pay has dropped as well.
No one wants to visit a site that has grown stagnant and has old information, so get busy generating new information for your readers!

9) Create ads that best complement your site.
The optimal sizes for ads have been researched. They are the 336×280 large rectangle, the 300×250 medium rectangle, and the 160×600 wide skyscraper.
However, don’t simply use these sizes without integrating them into your site well. You want the overall flow of your site to be pleasing to your loyal visitors, so be sure to fit the ads in a way that is visually appealing.

10) Do not stress over the latest google algorithms, or trying to beat the system!
Google constantly updates their algorithms to cut out spammers, and this unfortunately messes up the generated income for some sites. However, there is no way to currently beat this system, so do not stress if your site sees a dramatic drop suddenly. Simply continue to work hard at improving your site and keeping up with the latest Google Adsense Tips. Hopefully, you will see improvement again in your traffic.

These are some tips that should help you a great deal when trying to maximize the profits from your ads. Overall, continue working to improve your websites and don’t stress! Everyone knows that Google owns the world in their own mysterious way, and trying to fight it will only end in multiple visits to a psychiatrist. So, be happy and enjoy Google’s business offering to the world!

Google AdSense Tips With Great Results

Google AdSense is one of the easiest ways to make money online. When you’re creating a site in a good niche, you can add Google AdSense to the pages for a little extra income.

Since you are working within a niche, Google AdSense will scour your content and give you ads that are specific to your keywords. This is great for having ads on your site that are constant updated without maintenance. If you are ready to start making a little extra incomefrom your website, there are a few things you need to know. Adsense can be extremely powerful when implemented correctly.

 Here are some easy Adsense tips that will give you great results.
1. Use Better Keywords
Effective Keywords are the bread and butter of Google Adsense earnings. If you’re using highly competitive keywords you’re not going to rank as well as if you were using lower competitive keywords. The Google AdWords keyword planner is a great tool for finding low competition keywords for your articles and blog posts.
2. Have Proper Keyword Density
Check your keyword density before you post an article onto your website or blog. Your keyword density is going to determine the relevance to your niche and will improve your trafficin the search engines. It’s pretty much a given that when you have more traffic you’re going to get more clicks.

However, your keyword density is also going to determine the kinds of advertising is posted onto your site. There is nothing worse than having a niche site for toddles and having an Adsense ad that has to do with body cream.

Use a keyword density tool so your post isn’t marked as spam. This will also help you in the even that you need to boost the density.
3. Publish New Content Regularly
Writing new content every day is not some great revelation, but it is proven to generate traffic to your website. Make sure that you are using the best keywords and the best keyword density in your posts. Try to post a new page to your website every day. When you post a new page you are increasing the chances that somebody will click on your ads.
4. Choose The Best Formats
Google Adsense comes in a lot of different formats. When you’re choosing the format for your blog or website, you want to use the banners for the top part of your website and the squares for the sides. In my opinion, the best formats are the 336×280 large rectangle ads, 160×600 skyscraper ads and the 300×250 medium rectangle ads.
5. Color Coordinate The Ads
When you’re using Google AdSense with your website, you want to make sure that the ads look like they are part of the site. People are more likely to click on something that doesn’t look like an ad. You want to make it look like they are clicking on a link that will take them to a different page on your site.
Make sure that the border colors, the background colors, link colors and the text colors all match your site. You can do this through the control panel. You can even rotate the color palettes to make create a variety of colors when somebody visits your site.
6. Position The Ads Well
The position that your ads are in is very important to getting clicks. When somebody comes to your website, they scan the headlines to see if the information is relevant to their search. Using the links as navigational links around your website is one of the best methods of positioning.
Put your links at the top and bottom of the content pages instead of on the side. Remember that you want the links to look like they’re part of your site. When you position them between at the top and bottom of your content pages you are more likely to get clicks.
7. Don’t Use Too Many Ads
You can go overboard with your ads. Having too much advertising on your website will leave the reader wondering what they need to click for information. This can also look like spamming, something that you never want to do.
Readers are humans and they don’t want a website that is specifically made for Google AdSense. They are there for your content so make sure that the content comes before the ads. Two to three ads on your site is the best amount to have.

Search Engine Optimization Jokes That Will Make Any SEO

 This post was originally published on the SkilledUp blog.

Working in SEO can sometimes be frustrating and humorless. Google might not always answer your prayers and the guy with inferior content might edge ahead of you in the rankings by using dirty SEO tactics (we’re looking at you and WikiHow). Your client may demand top rankings in a day even though the best SEO campaigns can take months for those kinds of results. If you’re an SEO fan or are perhaps a little stressed out about it as of late, these jokes will give you the laugh you need to get through the day and remember why you love your work.

Optimize Your Fun and Your Career

Sometimes the best way to de-stress is to just laugh about what you’re doing. Work hard but don’t take things too seriously, especially yourself. However, if you felt like these jokes went over your head but are still interested in SEO, trying taking some courses so you can be on the inside next time. SEO is a field rich in opportunities since 100% of marketers in the world now value Search Engine Marketing and Optimization despite competition from PPC. In fact, the average company is planning to increase SEO spending in the coming year. You might want to consider a career in it if you’re especially intrigued and are looking to make up to $66,000 with an entry-level position! Now hold that thought while we check our rankings for SEO jokes…

5 Questions To Answer Before Start a Blogging

 Don’t make the mistake of jumping into blogging with blinders on. Before you start blogging, take the time to answer the questions below. That way when you do get started, things will flow much more smoothly.
1. What is the main topic of your blog?
This is your niche, your focus, what you will blog about the most. This will drive everything you write about and share on your blog.
There are two schools of thought on picking a niche. Some people say that you should just choose something you are passionate about because you will want to wake up every morning and write quality content. While that is a great thought, if your passion is underwater basket weaving, you are unlikely to make a great income blogging about it. One often overlooked component in blogging is that you need to be able to find related products to promote to your customer base in order to make money.

Others say you should only pick topics that are known moneymakers whether you are interested in them or not. While that might work for some people, others need to have at least a passing interest in their topic in order to be successful.
I say that it should be both. You want to be certain that thousands (if not millions) of other people share your enthusiasm and interest in the topic and will pay money for products and/or services that you have to offer in the niche from time to time. Even if you’re not interested in making money from your blog, I am assuming that you at least want other people to read it – yes? Then the same rules apply.
2. How do you want to present yourself to the world?
Before you start blogging, it’s important to understand how you want to be perceived by your readers. The way you write blog posts, how often you post, even how long your posts will be and which social media sites you promote to will all be impacted by your persona. Here are a few ideas to get you started…
The Expert
The expert wants to be seen as the best in his field, the ultimate source of knowledge on the topic. The expert’s blog posts will be tightly focused one topic and very detailed. The expert prides himself in being the best at what does.
The Reporter
You love the latest news and gossip and want to share it with the world. Whether it’s fashion, technology, natural foods, if its’ news and it’s happening now, you know about it want to write about it.
The Storyteller
Storytellers are typically writers, or personal bloggers. Your posts may cover many topics from what you ate for dinner to how buy a car. What ever tickles your fancy today, that’s what you write about.
The Helper
Helpers are the product reviewers, DIY, and how to bloggers. They want to help you solve your problems in any way they can.
The Marketer
You want a blog for the single purpose of promoting your business, whether it’s collecting leads or selling a product, everything you do is to grow your business. You’re not in it for the passion. You’re in it for the money.
There are many, many more blogging personas. You may even fall into multiple categories which is perfectly fine, but take the time to understand who you are before you start blogging. It will save lots of confusion later down the road. Seriously, can you imagine going to a review site where the reviewer proceeds to tell you about the amazing party they went to last night?
3. Who are your top 5 bloggers in your niche?
Take a few minutes to Google your topic and then look at the top 5-10 sites that come up.
What do you love about them? Color, layout, topic, language, imagery, etc.
What do you hate about them? Color, layout, topic, language, imagery, etc.
What’s missing from their site? Is there something obvious to you that they should be covering but aren’t?
What are the main categories and topics they cover?
What social media sites are they on?
What products and services do they promote?
When you’re first getting started, it can be easier to model what you’re doing after those who are already successful. Don’t copy them, but do implement the good stuff into your blog in some way. There’s no need to start from scratch. Unless you’re truly doing something that’s never been done before, there’s someone out there that you can model your site after.
4. What are the top 3-5 categories that you will blog about?
This may not seem important, but these 3-5 main categories that you plan to blog about will often turn into your menus and navigation on your blog, they will be the keywords that you focus on, and can even tell you what sorts of products and services you might want to offer on your blog.
Take it to the next level and brainstorm a few article ideas under each topic, to see if you REALLY a strong desire to blog about these topics. If you do, the article ideas will come easy. If not, you’ll find yourself struggling to come up with ideas.
Don’t make the mistake of coming up with 20-30 topics – that’s too narrow… My guess in that 25 of those 35 topic ideas are more likely to be just really good article ideas.
5. How frequently are you committed to publishing new content?
This is a BIG one that so many people overlook. Before you start blogging, take a look at your schedule – work, family, exercise, all of it. How much time do you really have to dedicate to your blog? If it’s an hour a week, that’s great, but it’s unlikely that you’ll publish 3 posts per week in that hour. (I recommend giving yourself 1-2 hours per blog post, at least in the beginning.)
It’s important when you start blogging, to be consistent, so don’t make the mistake of putting too much pressure on yourself. Here’s my recommendation… Set the goal of writing one post per week and if you find that’s too easy, then try for 2 posts per week. Depending on your topic and your persona, that may be more than enough.
I hope these quick tips help you get your blog started on the right track!

3 new Tips To Start a Blog

Starting a new blog is an adventure for everyone who does it. You never really know what is going to happen next, how much traffic you’ll have tomorrow, or any number of things. But experienced bloggers know a thing or two about what they should have done in the beginning. Take their advice.
3 Tips To Start A Blog The Right Way

1. Determine Your Niche Based On Your Passions
Before you even start a blog, think about what you’re passionate about. What do you love to do? What do you love to talk about? It doesn’t matter if it’s cool or trendy or whatever. Think only about what YOU love and what YOU are passionate about. Then use those things to determine what you can realistically blog about and what your niche should be.
Having a blog means publishing lots and lots of content. Like, lots of content. In fact, that’s pretty much all a blog is about. If you’re not passionate about your blog’s niche, you’re going to run into trouble down the road when you run out of ideas of things to start writing about. You’ll struggle to find topics and when you do find topics to write about, your writing is going to reflect that you don’t really care about what you’re discussing.
However, if you truly love what your blog is about, you’re really not going to have any issues with finding things to discuss on your page. It will come naturally. Your writing will also reflect that you’re passionate about the topics, and you’ll get more readers and devoted blog followers. Again, it doesn’t matter if you think other people are into what you like or not. You’d be surprised at how many people actually share your love for…well, whatever it is you love!
2. Take The Time To Connect With People
The best way to start building a blog following and getting traffic is to build relationships with other bloggers. Don’t view them so much as your competition, view them as potential friends. The Internet is more than big enough for all the blogs about “x” topic that are out there, and each blogger has his or her own unique take on the topic they’re blogging about.
Say you have a cooking blog. There are thousands of cooking blogs out there. Maybe even hundreds of thousands. But none of those bloggers have your unique voice, nor do you have theirs. You may have developed your own recipes or your own special twists on old standby recipes, and this is what will bring people to your blog. You can make your cooking blog as small or as big as you want it, and in the end, there’s plenty of room out there for everyone with a cooking blog.
So don’t view people with similar blogs as your competition and strive to be bigger or better than them – instead, try guest blogging for them. Invite them to guest blog for you. Share links, tips, and advice. Develop relationships with these people, because they are real people just like you. This is what will grow your blog. Your blog won’t grow if you sit by yourself and insist on being bigger and better than everyone else out there. It’s just not a healthy attitude to have when blogging, and it will make your blog truly stagnant.
3. Get Content Out There, Then Tweak Your Design
So very many newbie bloggers focus hard on their blog design in the beginning, before they ever get any content out there. This is the exact opposite of the approach you should take. Sure, you want it to look just right before you start doing any blog posts, but the truth of the matter is, you can rarely – if ever – get your blog to look exactly the way you want it in the beginning. You have more to learn about web design, and some of the things you want may cost money that you don’t have yet.
In the beginning, it’s best to choose a blog template that you like fairly well and start putting content out there, and then focus on tweaking the looks of your blog as you continue to post consistently. The design of your blog can be a huge block that takes too long to get past, and you’ve lost three months or more of content and traffic building while you perfect your design.
You can be tweaking your design here and there along with posting, so you’re letting the search engines know you’re alive and publishing content now – right now – while you do other things. It takes time to establish yourself and start building traffic, and by the time you start getting a decent blog following, you may very well have the design you want. However, if you wait to start publishing content until then, it’s going to take even more time to build your following.
Instead, start getting content out there ASAP and worry about everything else later. It will all come in due time.

Thursday, November 27, 2014

How to Create A Microsoft Excel Database

The term Microsoft Excel Database has never really sat very well with me since my primary role in the IT world has been in developing database and what is used by the spreadsheeting fraternity is what I consider an over glorified list.  However, for the sake of peace, I want to outline some of the principles you must follow in building what is known as the Microsoft Excel Database.

Let us review …

A database in essence is what is considered a collection of information that is related in some manner. For example if you were running a company and selling a product you may have a database that simply lists all of the sales you have made over a period of time.  Storing this data in a database would make sense as the company information and the selling of a product is related and as such would be appropriate for the database.

There are many different types of databases available such as Microsoft Access Databases, Oracle Databases, MySQL databases and so on but Microsoft Excel also has a form of a database known as a database list.  The form of the list is virtually the same as the other databases as the data is under column headings in rows, but after that common point, the Excel database goes in its own direction. See, to look for specific data within a Microsoft Excel Database or Excel List we do not use the common database language of SQL, we actually use specially written functions. These functions are custom written by you and are known as criteria.

So how do we create an excel database…
Well first off, there is one rule we must always follow and that is one excel database per worksheet. Anymore and you just get yourself into lots of trouble. In fact if you need to have multiple excel databases within your workbook simply put each excel database onto a separate worksheet.

The next thing you must follow is that your database lists first row must contain the heading of the list.  That is the first row contains your field names. Plus each of the field names must be 100% unique.  You cannot have two field names with the same name or again you will have a list that will not work.

The next issue you need to be concerned with is identifying the field names. Excel databases have a simple rule, the field names or column names must be unique. Now the way you identify them is easy, all you have to do is to ensure the field names are many different data types, format, pattern etc to the rest of the database in your list. Generally what I do is to format my field names in bold to satisfy this requirement.

One of the most important rules you must remember when you create an excel database is that around the row and columns of the fields and data there must be a blank row and column.  What this means is that you can still have a heading at the top of the fields, but there must be a blank row between the heading and the fields as well as along the last column as well.  The blank row rule also applies to the bottom of the list as well.

When you are entering data into your list, every cell in every record must contain some value even if it is simply blank (a blank value is still considered a value) and each record must contain the same number of fields.  If there is no specific data for a field you simply leave it blank and move to the next field.

Ensure that when you are entering data into a field that you don't have spaces before the text or at the end of the text in the field.  If you do have spaces, then what will happen is that sorting and search for data in the list will be compromised and you will get unexpected results.

Upper case and low case characters in the field do not affect the searches or sort orders unless you specifically tell the Microsoft Excel application it is an issue.  You can also use formulas in a cell if required.  Formulas can refer to cells within the Excel Database List or outside of the Excel Database.

Note also that you can edit and format the cells just like any other spreadsheet however the issue you must consider as a priority is that the field names must have a different format to the rest of the data in the database list.  It is highly recommended that there be no other formatting in the list except for the field headings. This ensures that there are no miscalculations by the application as to what is a field heading in the excel database and what is not.

Now that you have setup your list in this way following these rules, you are now ready to interrogate the list by applying criteria.  The easiest way that you can do this is by using the Form dialog box. To get into the Excel Database form you simply choose the Data menu and then choose Form from the drop down menu.

From the Excel Database Form you can simply choose the Criteria button, type the criteria you have for your data and choose the Find Next button and it will take you to the first record that satisfies the criteria you are searching.  Excel Databases are particularly useful for summary data that is where the volume of records you have in your database doesn't exceed 65,536 rows. 

If you follow these rules to create an excel database you will find that the functions associated with the excel database list will work in an effective and efficient manner.

How To Buy The Right EMR Software For Your Practice

Implementing an Electronic Medical Record (EMR) software in your office can be one of the most beneficial things you can do for your practice’s success. Unfortunately, buying the wrong EMR can be disastrous. To buy the right EMR you need to be able to see past the smoke and mirrors. Relying solely on your EMR vendor to make the right hardware & implementation recommendations can be a big mistake. Here are some tips you can use to help ensure a successful EMR implementation.

Set realistic goals. What do you wish to gain out of an EMR? Many offices purchase an EMR in hopes that it will provide them with all the benefits that were promised to them automatically.
EMR can help you reduce your number of staff, reduce your expenses, reduce medical errors and reduce documentation time. To realize all these benefits you need to set milestones and implement the right plan.

Perform a cost-benefit analysis. All offices work differently and have different inefficiencies. It’s important to have realistic expectations of what type of Return on Investment (ROI) can be expected. It’s important to look into these items before you begin looking at vendors so that you have an idea of what type of budget you will have available for your EMR as the cost of EMR can range between $1000 and $45,000 and there is no silver bullet.

Seek out unbiased sources of information. Distilling fact from fiction in the medical software industry can be difficult. Even many of the awards that are given to the different vendors for their products are often very biased. The internet offers many unbiased information sources on EMR. You may also want to consider bringing in the expertise of an IT Company or EMR consultant to help guide you through the process of selecting the right vendor.

Leveraging hardware to improve your EMR functionality. It’s a great thing when you have technology on your side to manage your patients’ records and become more efficient. To do this it’s imperative to select the right hardware based off your office’s needs and user experience.  Involve the right IT company from the beginning to ensure a successful implementation.