Friday, December 12, 2014

How to Write a Successful LinkedIn Recommendation

In LinkedIn, recommendations are nothing but the testimonials or reviews written by other people describing how efficient you are in a particular professional field, how you work and what are the reasons behind their recommendation. Recommendations are really powerful when it comes to increasing one’s professional reputation as well as boosting and adding extra value to his/her LinkedIn profile.

In this article, I am going to focus on various factors that must be taken into consideration while writing a LinkedIn recommendation and also I am going to provide many LinkedIn recommendation examples.

Factors to remember while writing a LinkedIn recommendation:

    Always start the recommendation with a background of the person and you may include here how you get acquainted with him/her.
    Make sure to mention all the qualities that are possessed by the person. In recommendations, employers usually look for qualities possessed by a person. If you are not well aware of the future reference for which it is going to be used, then simply write about his/her professional behaviors. Few of such common qualities are reliability, honesty, integrity, dedication, attention to details, goal-orientation, efficiency, leadership, cooperation etc. For example: “Matt is a dedicated team player and he pays high attention to the details and carefully follows the information which are provided by his clients.”
    Narrate a short success story. It will help people to remember the recommendation for a long period of time. Do not mention your personal relationship with that person in it but try to write in such a way that it shows the person’s excellence in work. For example: “It’s unforgettable that he saved the reputation of the whole company in front of the eyes of the shareholders on a particular occasion and ………”
    Always end the recommendation with a strong note of resolution. You must not leave the reader in curiosity whether that person can be reliable for work or not. For example: “I highly recommend John to everyone who wants to get their website designed in a very excellent way and in a very limited amount of time.”

LinkedIn recommendation examples:

LinkedIn recommendation example for Contractor:
John worked for me to design my company website six months ago. He is a reliable and hardworking guy who pays high attention to every single detail and it helps him to stand out from most other web designers in the internet industry. Also, he grabs the instructions within a fraction of seconds and implements them to come up with the expected output. He is great in graphic designing as well and made my company logo. I highly recommend him to anyone. He can be a great asset to any company.

LinkedIn recommendation example for Employer:

I worked with Joe one year ago in an Advertising campaign for his company. He is a great client and he possesses exceptional leadership qualities. He knows how to provide crystal clear instructions to his employees. Also, he has a good sense of humor that makes him loved by all of his employees and he treats his employees like his friends so that he can get his work done in time and also make sure that his employees enjoy their time while working with him. I recommend him to every employee who wants to work with a friendly and skilled employer.


Providing a good recommendation will help your contractor/employer to stand out brilliantly in the industry. If he/she likes your recommendation, then certainly he will also send you a recommendation in return which will be a valuable addition to your profile.


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